Our Programs

Let’s schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone call to discuss which program best suits you and your family’s needs.

Perfect for families who have 2+ sleep issues and need guidance and a plan on how to get back on track.

  • Sleep Intake Form/Assessment

  • You will receive guidance, strategies and tools to help you reach your little one’s sleep goals.



This is for expecting parents or parents of newborns 0 - 12 weeks old (from adjusted due date).

  • Intake form/sleep assessment

  • 45 minute phone consult

  • Emailed recap-highlighting things to focus on

  • 3 support emails to be used by the time your child is 15 weeks

This is for parents who aren’t sure where to start or troubleshoot sleep struggles or habits. This program is best for parents who need a plan but execute it with minimal support from me.

  • Intake form/sleep assessment

  • 45 minute phone consult - to discuss intake form and sleep plan and how to overcome the sleep struggles

  • 4-Page PDF, - includes the details of your child’s sleep plan

  • 2 days of support emails (2 emails from you and 2 responses from me daily) to be used within 2 weeks after phone consult

  • One additional 20 minute call to be used within 2 weeks after initial phone consult.


ABCs of Zzz 1 or 2 Week Full Support

This program is perfect for parents who want full support throughout the sleep training process and who want communication and feedback daily. With this program, I will take the guess work out of when naps and bedtime will be occurring for you. I will also provide you with tools and teach you how to determine your little one’s schedule by the time the program is finished so that you are confident moving forward.

  • 1 hour phone consult to discuss methods, routines, environment, naps and bedtime.

  • Customized sleep plan that aligns to your child’s temperament as well as your parenting style

  • Digital Sleep Log- to help you track your little one’s sleep and for us to benchmark progress

  • 1 week of daily email or text support (2 emails from you, 2 responses from me daily)

  • 2-15 minute phone call to be used within 2 weeks of starting to help troubleshoot and answer any further questions

  • A go forward plan- to prepare you for bumps in the road and nap transitions